Getting a Dog? | Village Vets
vet dublin, vet meath, vet clonsilla, vet blanchardstown

Getting a new dog is a really exciting time for all your family. There is a lot to take in. Don’t get overwhelmed. We are here to help you regardless  of how trivial you might think your query is. 
Here are a few things you need to be aware of. 



Vaccinations prevent contagious diseases. In puppies, we vaccinate against Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo Virus, Parainfluenza and Leptospirosis. We also vaccinate against Bronchitis (Canine Cough) so if your 4 legged friend enjoys visits to the park, groomers, kennels, training classes etc we strongly recommend it. 


  • 1st Vaccination from 8 weeks old
  • 2nd Vaccination from 10 weeks old
  • 3rd vaccination at 16 weeks
  • Annual booster every year after that



From 31st March 2016 all dogs must be microchipped by law. 1 in 3 pets will get 
lost. Without identification 90% won’t return home so don’t lose your best friend!


I am getting a pup: When a puppy is born, it must be microchipped and then registered to the breeder who is the owner at that point in time. When the registered pup is given to the new owner, the initial Certificate of Registration is used to conduct a Change of Ownership.

I am getting a dog (not a pup): Bring your dog to us to be scanned. Also bring your photo ID and proof of address. Our team can check if your pet is already microchipped and help you to arrange registration if necessary



Worm eggs (not worms themselves) are infectious to humans and other animals. Worm eggs are tiny and can’t be seen without a microscope. Just because you can’t see worms in your dog’s poo, doesn’t mean they’re not there.


  • Up to 12 weeks, every 2 weeks
  • At 12 weeks every month
  • At 6 months, twice yearly
    for life.



External parasites can be extremely irritating to a pet and can cause serious skin disorders such as anaemia, allergic dermatitis, Lyme disease and tapeworms. They can also be transmitted to humans


Every month for life



Neutering can help your pet lead a longer and healthier life. Neutering reduces overpopulation, territory marking, roaming, aggression, certain cancers and diseases.


  • Male and female small dogs from 6 months of age.
  • With some large and giant breed dogs, we may wait longer before neutering them.

You can book a free pre-neuter consult with us online today to discuss when is the right time to get your pet neutered.


Remember, members of our Pet Health Plan get 10% off the cost of neutering.



To spread the cost of veterinary care over a 12 month period and to never pay for your vet’s consultations.


As soon as you get your new pet or anytime if you want to Sign Up your existing dog.


We only stock food that we can stand over as being good quality while being conscious of your budget.

Please ask our vets and nurses for advice when choosing your dog’s diet.


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